Be Yourself

This post really speaks to me, so I decided to share it here too. I hope you enjoy it!

Reblogged from The Wallflower Project.

Here is the thing, in life you do not owe anybody an explanation. In life, people change all the time.

Your belief sets can change. Your mindset can change. Your perspective of the world can change.

Your identity can change. Your name can change. Your face can change. Your weight and body shape can change.

Your personality can change. Your attitude can change. Your emotions and feelings can change.

You are not obligated to explain or tell anybody why. You do not need to shout for the world to know about it. You do things for yourself, not for them to clap their hands politely and congratulate you.

You change because you want to be better, not because you want others to approve of you. You change because you think you’d be happier, not because you think it’d make someone else happier.

In life, you get to decide what you want to do. You hold the steering wheel, and life is the road that you drive down. There will be speed bumps and potholes, but you will continue to drive on. You have to.

Sometimes you might run out of fuel, but you need to realise that gas stations are everywhere. You just need to pull over for a while and take the time to refuel. You get to decide what you do and you don’t owe anybody an explanation.

xx Kim Chiuh

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